Lorem Ipsum Generator

Free Online Tool

Lorem ipsum - Dummy Text Generator

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This useful tool will generate (either in plain text or HTML), some dummy text you can use as a placeholder until final copy is approved or provided. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text since the 1500s. Our tool lets you choose to generate a number of paragraphs or lines of text (or simply a few words) automatically - just have a play with the configuration above and hit generate!

It is a long been a fact that readers can get distracted by the actual readable content of a page when looking at its layout. As I’m sure anyone who has sent designs or layouts to a wider audience for feedback and used the words “don’t worry about the text” can testify to! The point of using Lorem Ipsum rather than real, but not final, text is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using something like ‘Content to go here, content to go here', which then makes it look like readable English – removing the distraction, but still looking ‘real’.

All of our free online tools are fairly simple and easy to use and are usually just things that our own team have previously used variations of elsewhere and/or have asked us to build in one place for them to help them with their day-to-day workloads.

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Compare Scripts

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Cookie Bookmarklets

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This tool allows you to convert HTML to Javascript.


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