Unbiased Case Study

Unbiased shows substantial conversion lift in visitors across all devices

Unbiased logo
Aggregated Conversion Lift

The Client

Unbiased provides the ability for people to connect with qualified, independent and regulated financial advisors, mortgage brokers and accountants, completely free of charge.

The primary focus of the Unbiased website is to enable visitors to quickly search to find a financial specialist that meets their needs.

This is performed either by a general search through a directory of specialists within their area and discipline, or by following a tailored ‘Matchflow’ process that matches the visitor with an adviser based their needs.

Unbiased also facilitates the introduction and in both instances act as an intermediary to the advisor, without directly offering financial services themselves.

The Challenge

A previous AB test resulted with a more streamlined homepage, replacing a less intuitive interface with a set of three simple call to action’s above the fold on the homepage.

This experiment itself was extremely successful, nominally delivering a 50% conversion lift.

However, the results revealed that the Matchflow channel had become highly dominant. There was now a desire to try to balance enquires across both the Matchflow and the directory to ensure that advisors would remain encouraged to maintain their directory listing.

An additional challenge was to do this without damaging the conversion lift achieved in the previous experiment.

Screenshot from the Unbiased website

The Solution

Because the winning experiment from the previous test directed visitors straight to the Matchflow channel, this follow-up test would introduce an additional step.

This would be to select either ‘browse a list’ or start the Matchflow process after clicking on any of the three call to actions.

From experience, adding steps to a process can lead to an increase in drop-outs, but the hypothesis was that visitors who were offered this choice could possibly react favourably with the benefit of rebalancing enquiries across both channels.

This AB Test was run across all devices (desktop, mobile and tablet).

Success would be measured against an increase against the control for visits to the directory page and secondly not to reduce the overall conversions across all processes.

“Testing on the outcome of previous experiments has shown us that continuous improvements can deliver further meaningful results.”

Iain Thomson

Chief Product Officer – Unbiased

The Results

Whichever way you look at it, this experiment was a great success.

Aggregated across all devices, it showed a significant lift in visitors to both channels, far in excess of the original experiment.

The most significant lift was for tablet visitors where an amazing 104% aggregated conversion lift was recorded, but all devices showed substantial improvement delivering sizeable projected increases in enquiries each quarter.

Interestingly to those visitors that entered the experiment, the balance between Matchflow and the directory was almost identical.

Directory confirmations were expected to increase but rather than seeing a decline in Matchflow conversions, they too increased.

“Unbiased in the past had undertaken some tactical testing with mixed results. Since engaging with us, the partnership and programme has established a more strategic approach, with clear hypothesis and KPI’s fully aligned to business goals. It’s great to see this manifest into a strong contribution to the future success of the business and we all expect it to continue.”

Chris Kennedy

Services Director - Webtrends Optimize

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